Wis Meeting Minutes – November 7, 2020
Meeting Time 10:00 – 13:00
Meeting Place – Zoom
Chairman: Andrea
Minute Taker: Jim
Attendees: Andrea, Jadi, Barbara, Erica, Jim, Ayo, Cindy, Danielle, Hannah, Michael
- For the first 20 minutes, the group spontaneously discussed writing ideas.
- Danielle discussed a daily write-in group she belonged to, the London Writers Salon, that met for several hours five days a week online via Zoom to do nothing but concentrated writing. Attending daily meetings with other writers helped her focus on writing. This idea was discussed as something we could also do as a group.
- Unfortunately, many members of our group have conflicts and responsibilities preventing them from participating daily during working hours. After discussing this it was decided to try this idea on Saturdays between now and December 7th, for a minimum of one hour at our regular meeting time. Writers in Stuttgart will host a write-in hour on Zoom This hour is for writing purposes only. There will be no discussion during this hour and no critiques. Andrea will ask the DAZ to provide us with a Zoom room for the next three weeks
- Andrea, could you ask for a zoom meeting of 3 hours between 10:00 and 13:00 just as with our regular meeting? This will provide the group with flexibility allowing members to join at their convenience and write for as many hours as they have available without the rigidity of a fixed starting time. Feedback in the comments area of the website would be appreciated.
- Note – Minutes Correction: Andrea has already requested the first meeting time and does not want to change it now. In addition, it must be researched to determine if the moderator of the zoom meeting needs to be there to shut it down. If not, I would still like your comments.
- The first Write-in is scheduled: Andrea is fast! She is the personification of “if you want something done, as a busy person”.
Meeting-ID: 846 7713 9238
Kenncode: mockpwd
Should we buy our own Zoom account?
- Barbara suggested that the group buy its own Zoom membership for our meetings. She suggested that this would give us the ability to be independent and not rely on the DAZ. The preliminary estimated cost would be 140,00€ per year. The concern of the group was security.
- Other members discussed that as long as the DAZ is willing to provide us with their Zoom platform, why incur the cost of buying our own?
- Hannah will check on her University Zoom account to see if this would be available to the group.
- Jim will check out the security issue and see if there is a difference between a secure account and the 140,00 Euros per year account.
Dark Monday Reading in January:
- The Dark Monday meeting at the Merlin on January 11 is up in the air because of covid-19. According to Andrea, Charles Urban does not want to do a live stream. How to approach this was tabled to next month.
- The Dark Monday theme is “Pandemonium”
- It was decided that the December meeting be dedicated to the first “Pandemonium” readings and critiques. It was suggested that the December meeting continue until all the “Pandemonium” readings and critiques are finished.
- Note – Minutes Correction: The January meeting takes place on January 16th, after Dark Monday.
- Members reading:
- Andrea
- Barbara
- Jadi
- Katharine
- Erica
- Ayo
- Jim
- Danielle
The prompt: 10:20 – 11:00 – Write about a lie
Readings for critique 11:40 – 13:40
- Erica – My life in cars
- Jim – The dream – Chaos, the perfect storm, the climax
- Email Jim (james@jpalik.com) if you want a set of bookmarks that outline the book structure from “The Heros Journey”.
- Michael said he would review the book structure he uses and send it to the group by email.
- Note – Minutes Addition: It was requested that Ayo put the Live Stream from October 23 back on the internet for viewing on Friday, November 13th at 08:00 pm (20:00) CET through Monday, November 16 08:00 am CET so people who missed the live reading can view it.
The meeting finished at 13:00