WiS Meeting Minutes – May 11, 2019

Attendance: Andrea, Ellen, Jim, and Vlora

Chair: Andrea

Minute taker: Vlora

1) Andrea suggests putting the writing prompt on the website at the start of the meeting, so late comers don’t interrupt the writing process when they arrive and ask for the prompt

2)     writing prompt, prepared by Harish: imagine a parallel or alternate world -> readings by everyone (prompt can be found on the website)

3)     Jim prepared an article, which critiques the US healthcare system. Since he is the only one who has prepared something, we have time to critique it in depth and a discussion on the different healthcare systems ensues.

4)     Andrea printed out the documents that can be found on the website for people to sign up for tasks, but as there are only four people present, it is difficult to fill in the tables.

Andrea volunteers to be one of a team of three to organize a reading for Saturday October, 12 or Saturday, October 19.

Vlora volunteers for the vetting committee, to take meeting notes and (if people are still needed) as a founding member.

5)     Andrea suggests that we have no public readings until there are people willing to organize them. She is looking for two more volunteers for the potential reading in October. If you are interested, the task description can be found on the website, where you can also sign up as an organizer. Alternatively, volunteers can step forward at the next meeting.

6)    If there is a reading in October, Erica has suggested the theme to be “The Kindness of Strangers”. All members present vote yes.

7)     Writers interested to read at the October public reading so far: Andrea, Jim, Jadi, Erica.

If anyone else is interested to read, they should express their interest on the website or speak up at the next meeting.

8)     Andrea asks for feedback on the task lists. Vlora and Ellen found them a little overwhelming. Vlora suggests to have simpler lists with task descriptions available when you click on the task.

9)     Jim wants to discuss the purpose of the website: Do members use it? How do we feel about getting an email every time someone comments on the website? Andrea argues that everyone gets an email every time someone comments. Vlora suggests that people can sign up for tasks or readings directly on the lists on the website as opposed to leaving a comment. Jim says he dedicated a lot of time to design the website and has not been getting a lot of feedback. “Live participation” (signing up directly etc) is possible, but takes a lot of work. He says he may need a backup for the website eventually. Katherine has mentioned she might be interested in that at some point in the future.

10)  Jim asks if it is valuable to have the website available (via beamer) during the meetings. The members vote yes.

11)  Andrea mentions the writing staycation Katherine organized. Vlora asks if there are more members interested in meeting  to work on their own projects occasionally, for example after the monthly meeting (not to critique, just to write).

12)  Writing prompt 2: The Kindness of Strangers (to get people into the mood for the reading), three words per line.

13)  After a discussion about new members, we suggest to have lunch together after the next meeting for everyone who wants to join to get to know each other better as a group.

14)  The next meeting will be on June, 1st. Vlora will be the chair.