WiS Meeting Minutes – October 12, 2019
Meeting time: 10:00am – 2:00pm
Attendees: James Palik (chair), Ellen Wulff, Andrea T. Ariman, Dr Erica Applezweig, Katharine Schmidt María José Candela (found Writers in Stuttgart on Facebook), Ben Harper (María’s husband).
Chair: Andrea T. Ariman
Minute taker: Andrea T. Ariman
Andrea’s Writing
Prompt:Introduction of ourselves and what Writers in Stuttgart means to us.
Organizational stuff:
- The October 19th, 2019 reading at Dreigroschentheater will now start at 8pm!!!
- Jim is going to put this information on the writersinstuttgart.com.
- Andrea has informed Harish Sirivasan to post the 8pm beginning on our Facebook page.
- 1: Dr. Erica Applezweig: “The Lady of the Night”
- 2: Dr. Erica Applezweig: “My first Valium”
- 3: Dr. Erica Applezweig: “The Last Phone Call”
- 4: James Palik: “The Kindness of Strangers”
Sound check:
- The headset is checked but doesn’t work. Jim will get two new AA batteries. The cableless microphone works well.
Organizational stuff:
Dark Monday reading:
- The theme for the Dark Monday reading on January 6th, 2020 is chosen: “Transitions”.
Discussion on receiving an email notification every time someone posts a comment on the website.
Most members present prefer getting the notifications. Those who do not want to receive them have to put writerstersinstuttgart.com on their email’s blacklist, i.e., marking it as spam.